Members Login

Thank you for visiting our page – These pages are available for Genetic Genealogy SIG members, please find the links below to Sign In or learn more about the Society and how to become a member.

In order to become a member of the Genetic Genealogy SIG of the Ontario Genealogical Society, you must also be a member of the overall Ontario Genealogical Society. You can visit the society membership site at for details and to become a member.

Society (OGS) Membership – $63/year (Individual)

Belonging to the Ontario Genealogical Society gains you the following benefits:

  • You will receive the Ontario Ancestor’s quarterly journal Families, quarterly newsletter Newsleaf and 8 issues per year of e-NewsLeaf
  • You will receive flyers describing publications and supplies available for purchase from Ontario Ancestors
  • You can submit four (4) family name queries each year to the Name Game which is published in the quarterly Families
  • You have the right to vote at the annual general meeting, the right to hold office and the right to join any branch, branches or SIG (Special Interest Group)
  • You will receive invitations to regional meetings and the annual OGS Conference for further education in genealogical subjects and have the opportunity to gain social contacts with other genealogists
  • You can participate in genealogical research projects specific to the province of Ontario
  • You will receive a membership card which can be used as a “passport” to specific resources

SIG (Genetic Genealogy) MEMBERSHIP – $7/year (Individual)

Belonging to the Genetic Genealogy SIG gains you the following additional benefits:

  • You will have access to a members-only section of the website containing resources for members
  • You will have opportunities to attend member-only presentations, events and discussions with others that share a passion for genetic genealogy and methodology using various tools